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Hai kamu, dimanakah kamu..

Kamu yang semangat menjalani berbagai aktivitas dan kehidupan..

Kamu yang terpicu untuk berprestasi dan memberikan yang terbaik..

Kamu yang selalu merasa mempunyai sesuatu yang dapat kamu banggakan..

Tidak, kamu tidak redup..

Tidak, kamu tidak hilang..

Bukan, kamu bukan tidak beruntung..

Bukan, kamu bukan tidak mampu..

Hai kamu..

Tetaplah tenang,

Tetaplah bersinar,

Tetaplah berada di jalan yang seharusnya..

Tetaplah semangat..

Ingatlah bahwa semua perjalanan melalui jalan yang Panjang dan berliku..

Akan adanya bianglala itu naik ke atas dan ke bawah..

Tetaplah berada di dalamnya..

Karena semua akan selalu dinamis dan bergerak.

Tetaplah yakin akan nilai yang selalu kau pegang..

Tetaplah terpicu oleh berbagai riak..

Sehingga semangat itu selalu kembali..

Semangat yang akan selalu diridhaiNya..

Be happy, be mindfull, be motivated..



16 Juni 2023

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Sebuah ilustrasi cerita fiksi:

“Selama 1 bulan, Aldi mendapat tugas luar kota berkaitan dengan project yang sedang dikerjakan kantornya. Karen, istrinya berada di rumah bersama anak-anak, mengurus semua kebutuhan rumah dan anak-anak. Selama 1 bulan Aldi selalu berkomunikasi ketika berada di ruangan dengan keramaian, sering tidak sempat melakukan video call berdua dengan Karen pada malam hari, ketika sedang tidak bekerja, ataupun ketika Karen tidak sedang mengurus anak-anaknya. Alhasil komunikasi selalu terhambat, terkesan seperlunya, dan hampir tidak pernah ada deep conversation yang terjadi’.’

Mari kita renungkan ilustrasi di atas, bayangkan ketika kamu berada jauh dari rumah, ketika berada di keramaian, ketika kamu berada di tengah banyak orang selama beberapa hari, you keep doing the ‘public phone call‘ tanpa memperhatikan pasangan atau partner di bagian sana itu butuh waktu privat denganmu. Thats what exactly happen to Karen. Then she started to feel depressed and lonely. “

Source: from here

Hubungan privasi berdua antar pasangan seolah tidak penting ketika selalu ada orang ‘ketiga, keempat, dst’ diantara berbagai pembicaraan, siapapun itu termasuk anak-anak yang tentu saja ketika sudah besar adalah termasuk dalam grup ini karena ada pembicaraan2 yang memang tidak bisa didengar anak-anak, tidak baik, dan tidak etis.

I always believe ruang komunikasi ‘berdua’ adalah hal yang sangat-sangat penting.. Saat ini, dimana data begitu mudah2nya diakses dan disusupi orang lain, tentu saja sulit sekali ruang privat tersebut terbentuk. Kemunculan metaverse di masa depan dimana akan ada ‘dunia lain’ tempat orang berinteraksi sungguh semakin mengkhawatirkan. Anehnya, saya sering berpikir, kenapa orang senang sekali hidupnya terlalu terekspos oleh dunia luar, apalagi metaverse tersebut adalah dunia buatan dimana semuanya akan terekam oleh penyedia platform itu, semua! semua gerak gerik dan pembicaraan kita!

Saya sendiri adalah tipe orang yang sangat mendambakan ruang privat itu, dimana kita bersama siapapun, pasangan, sahabat, anak-anak, dalam interaksi one by one, tidak ada orang lain, lalu bisa bebas bercerita, dan fokus pada satu orang tersebut. Saya bukanlah tipe introvert, saya senang bergaul dan bersosialisasi dengan orang lain, saya suka keramaian, but still, for me, when being in the private room, one by one, the highest quality of talks will happen.

So, buat siapapun, baik yang masih remaja, berpasangan, berkeluarga.. tetaplah buat ruang privat itu selalu ada, hal tersebut semakin mahal harganya saat ini. Dengan mobilitas yang tinggi, globalisasi, tentu saja teknologi dapat membantu dalam berkomunikasi, tapi berkomunikasi seperti apakah yang kita harapkan? Tetaplah mempertahankan ruang privat itu, karena sebagian orang tidak bisa mengkomunikasikan apa yang ada di pikirannya ketika berada di tempat yang ramai dan tidak privat. Miskomunikasi akan terjadi, yang juga akan berdampak pada hal-hal lainnya yang mungkin tidak kita inginkan.

So, let’s continue to have our private room with our beloved one to earn out best quality moment..

23 Januari 2022


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Random afternoon thought…

Have you ever feel that you are uncomfortable being in one group chatting or WhatsApp group?
Lately, I feel that… I didn’t know whether it was because my anxiety during this Covid 19 situation or else. But, sometimes I feel people do not appreciate me when I am saying something or sending something, and sometimes I was thinking then what’s the point being in one group?
However, I tried to flash back, perhaps I often did the same. Oopppss…
Yeah, but then I have these tons justification :(:( and people have it too!. Whether because I was busy, whether because the chat was too much even I couldn’t read it and of course reply it one by one. Moreover what I observe is people often replying messages in the group when the discussion was interested to them and also there are some personal attachment to the person who sending it and therefore one need to reply it.
And randomly I’ve just googling it. I found several reasons why people often not replying message in one group chatting.
Guess what, a lot of people were questioning about this Wa group problems!! Here are some questions that people often asked in Quora:
Random Quora Pic.png

Is it really becoming a disturbance in people’s daily life nowadays? It’s quite long list, and I was a bit surprised knowing that this group chatting is really impacting many people’s daily life.
Here are some answers on Quora by Narender Singh, Admin & Author at TechMesto (2013-present) about why people often not replying messages on wa group:
  1. They are too busy with work or other activities that they do not get time.
  2. They find it a waste of time to engage in group discussions.
  3. Some people are not that social. Hence, they avoid engaging in public.
  4. There are no discussions and people only post random media – GIFs, Memes etc. Some people refrain from sending media because either they do not like it or they do not have such media to share. So they rather stay mum.
  5. Some people are just spectators. They come, watch and go. Very rarely would they participate in the topic. This is how their personality is and there’s not much you can do about them.
  6. Some groups are just not their cup of tea. For example, a group about a PC game you started playing. Now, after a few weeks you stop playing it, but you still want to stay updated with the latest happenings in the game. So, you would stay in the group, but mute it and check it occasionally to stay updated.
It is still a person’s personal choice to respond to a group talk or not. And I guess one should respect their decision. If you want to communicate to them, then message them privately.
I think his last word was exactly what people need to think in mind (including me). We can not control what people will do, but we can control ourselves on what we are going to do. Then we really need to respect the decision by someone, and we just can not control it based on what we want. Let’s just have our positive thoughts on our mind and in the end we will become very busy with our activities and so on. Be kind, be positive and generous.. I think that what I will always keep in my mind.
This is only my random notes on this Wednesday afternoon. Really need to keep this writing habit in the future.. so hopefully another piece of writing will coming 🙂
Be healthy, be positive and be happy..

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Lingkungan hidup dalam perspektif islam

My writing 8 years ago in
I re-blogged my writing here in my blog so anyone can easily read it as well.

Pengajian Pelajar Muslim Rotterdam

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.., Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Tulisan saya ini, mungkin berkaitan dengan tulisan yang pernah ditulis oleh Annisa Melissa Manurung mengenai keajaiban sains di dalam Al-Qur’an. Dari tulisannya kita bisa menangkap bahwa Al-Qur’an begitu jelas menyiratkan bukti-bukti yang berkaitan dengan sains dan apapun yang terjadi di dalam kehidupan kita ini. Sebelumnya telah dibahas mengenai bukti mengenai tahap perkembangan embrio, mengenai otak dan tindakan manusia. Dari hal tersebut, saya ingin mencoba menggali ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan aspek lingkungan hidup, dimana selama beberapa tahun saya banyak menggali bidang tersebut.

Mungkin kita sering berpikir dan membandingkan mengapa kualitas lingkungan hidup di negara-negara asing (dan salah satunya Belanda, dimana kita tinggal saat ini) seringkali terasa lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tingkat kebersihan di negara yang mayoritas penduduknya adalah muslim, misalnya Indonesia. Krisis lingkungan seperti polusi udara, degradasi lahan, defisitnya sumber daya air dan kualitasnya yang buruk, serta berbagai masalah lingkungan lainnya seakan-akan menjadi hal yang sudah biasa terjadi…

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Kepada yang terhormat..

Kepada yang terhormat

yang begitu besar pengaruhnya
yang begitu dinanti hormatnya
yang begitu dahsyat kekuatannya
Kepada yang terhormat
Mohon untuk jadi yang baik
Mohon untuk jadi yang ikhlas
Mohon untuk jadi yang legowo
Mohon untuk tidak membandingkan
Mohon untuk tidak menuntut
Kepada yang terhormat
Mengapa tidak bersyukur?
Mengapa harus terus ingin lebih?
Mengapa harus pilih memilih?
Mengapa harus begini dan begitu?
Kepada yang terhormat
Semoga Allah membukakan pintu hati
Agar semua menjadi damai dan tentram
Agar semua bahagia

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The monkey demon of PhD guilt

Indeed, I often met this monkey demon!
Nice article!

Research Degree Insiders

You know the feeling. You are doing a PhD, and you feel you should be working on it. You go to bed, and there’s a nagging sense that you should be working. You go on holiday, and there’s a nagging sense you should be working. You go for a run, and there’s a nagging sense that you should be working. Towards the end of the PhD, even when you are asleep, you have nightmares about how you should be working.

Glenn Nagel Photography: Slideshow &emdash; Silverback gorillaSilverback Gorilla by Glenn Nagel

For many years, I have described that feeling as ‘the monkey in the room’. I wasn’t sure where the saying came from, but it seemed to fit, and a number of people found it resonated. My Thesis Boot Camp colleague Peta (now Dr Freestone, woot!) described it as ‘that big silverback gorilla that sits in the corner’. The gorilla watches you as you sleep (in…

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Please forgive me, son..

When a mother did something wrong..
It’s not her intention to do it..
A mother is a mother
She never been able to hurt her children
But a mother is a human
Who sometimes unintentionally did a mistake

I am not defending myself, I knew that I was wrong..
I just need a support..
Because the guilt and the and anxiety are keep mixing in my heart..
Blamed me! but please stop judging..
Since I am also human..
Who has a limitation..
Who is sometimes just need a hug..not a judgement..
Perhaps, I can not be perfect..
But I am always trying to do my best..

Please forgive me, my son..
I love you so much..

Bandung, dec 2014


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Ketika aku terjatuh, terseok..

Ketika aku menangis, berteriak.

Ketika aku sendiri, merenungi..

Ketika aku ingin menyerah..

Tak ada orang yang mengelusku..

Semua meneriaki-ku dan berkata..

”Bangun! Jangan Manja! Kamu harus kerja keras! Berdiri di atas kaki kamu sendiri!”

Aku tahu..

Itu adalah ungkapan rasa sayang, agar aku bisa terus maju, melangkah, dan menjadi lebih baik..

Tetapi hati kecilku merindukan kelembutan, pelukan dan kasih sayang, yang menenangkan..

Dan hanya engkau yang bisa, memelukku, menempel di dadaku, memasrahkan dirimu kepadaku, membutuhkanku..

foto mamamabd

Hanya engkau, makhluk kecilku..


Terimakasih sayang..selalu berada di sisiku, menenangkanku..

Meski engkau tidak dapat berkata ”Don’t give up, Mamam!”

Tetapi engkaulah yang memberikan kelembutan itu, mengelusku..

Terimakasih Tuhan, telah memberikan amanah ini padaku, memberikan mukjizatMu..

Terimakasih sayang..



Rotterdam, 25/04/2014


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Political Scientist

Being a new and a cross ”political scientist” is strange… Because, i almost never know anything about this field. However, perhaps in the future I want to keep my ecological knowledge and combine it in political science field, resulting the political ecology field…

However, I have just read nice article about how political scientist is..interesting. From someone, which is an Associate Professor in political science field:

 The best political scientists are the following five things: smart, creative, diligent, honest, and nice. Smart is obvious. The rest are not.

The best political scientists are creative. They look at old problems in new ways, or they find new problems to look at. A good way to land a middling job (or no job) is to find a marginal improvement on an existing estimator, or take lessons from Paraguay and apply them to Uruguay. The best political scientists show us how our estimators are incorrect, or better yet, find new things to estimate.

The best political scientists are diligent. They think about problems for years and years, they rewrite their draft papers repeatedly, they collect giant datasets from scratch, and they go into the field, learn the language, and stay there until they have learned something. There are no quick research trips, there are no obvious philosophical points, and there are no datasets that you can download with results you can write up in a week.

The best political scientists are honest. There are many points at which you might fudge your work: creating a new dataset from scratch, during fieldwork, in writing up your results. You will be astounded at how frequent this is in our profession. Don’t do it, for it always hurts you in the end. Being wrong and honest about it is OK. Being wrong and hiding it never works.

Finally, the best political scientists are nice. It is tempting to be prickly to make yourself seem smart or to protect your ego. But the same person you criticize today might be in a position to give you a job tomorrow. As they say, make your words soft and sweet, for you never know when you may have to eat them.


Source from this forum.

rotterdam 18/12/2013



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Winning the battle of deal: Shopping tips

In the western country, when it close to Christmas, it will come to the booming sale, promotion, with fancy decoration and music. Well, I think, even in the eastern country and with moslem country this happened as well, I am not sure. In fact, every store has their own program and strategy to win the customer, so we can come and spent our money.

This video is useful for us to keep calm and not being tricked by retailer strategy. Watch this, especially during this Christmas booming sale everywhere!

I will write some detail later, but in the video, you will find some strategy that used by retailer, which more or less related to my previous article about ”Pembanding”.


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